I Can Do the Hard Things!

There is a wonderful health support group I belong to called the WIN group – It stands for Wellness Integration Now. We focus on supporting one another in all the aspects of health – spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, relational, and financial.

It is so much more than dieting and exercising to let go of the weight. This month’s theme is “I can do hard things!”

Yesterday I walked a mile. That was a hard thing for me. My reaction was to congratulate myself for putting my FitBit on and keeping track of my steps for the day. It felt so good that I am motivated to do more hard things.

Hum, let’s see today I’m going to take one hour to do something in nature. That is hard for me because I have to go outside and walk around. I’m a sofa sitter so that can be a hard thing for me.
What about you? Are you up to doing some hard things? What would they be?

P.S. (PM me for an invite to the WIN online FB calls)

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