Come Alive — Book Two

All the Mandalas

The Components of Coming Alive

The Components of Coming Alive

In the center of this mandala is a gold star that is symbolic of the enlightenment of the soul and the various colored sections illustrate the components of coming alive. Coming alive is finding your wholeness from these components.

Chapter One
Emotional Strength

Your Heart Feelings

This mandala represents your feelings filled with motion and movement that presses you toward your goals. Your feelings motivate you through challenges. This mandala indicates yellow for intelligence and pink for understanding and caring. The little bit of blue symbolizes quiet strength and determination.

Feelings and Emotions are Different

This mandala represents the passionate (in red) reactions and emotional charges when your past collides with present life. The spears are symbolic of the letting
go of the past and becoming mindful of what is going on–your real issues. White represents truth and black is an exploration of the unknown.

Your Thoughts Influence Your Feelings

This mandala is symbolic of how your thoughts influence your feelings. The multicolored circles represent your feelings. The multicolored star-like shapes represent your thoughts. Additionally, the star-like shapes illustrate cutting through limiting thoughts to allow you to move on in a balanced manner.

Feeling Your Feelings

This mandala is symbolic of the importance of feeling your feelings. The yellow represents how your thoughts supports your feelings, represented in pink. The swirling circles are symbolic of a little hesitancy to feel those feelings. You may have a fear holding you back that keeps you stuck in your intellect, figuratively running around in circles.

Expressing Feelings

The pink in this mandala represents the giving and receiving of love and nurturing when you express your feelings. The gold represents the warmth and richness of that is exchanged. The outer circular shape is symbolic of the spiritual enlightenment available. The inner fan shape is symbolic of incorporating your feelings into your present.

Gratitude Mandala

Sincere feelings of joy and happiness lead you to feeling gratitude. These feelings are symbolized in the pink and gold in this mandala. The pink circle illustrates how such balanced feelings become a part of your entire awareness of life.

Chapter Two
Emotional Strength

Healing an Addiction

This mandala is symbolic of healing of an addiction. Green represents the growth, healing, with self-love. The yellow star illustrates hope, optimism, and guidance to new ways of doing things. The segmented circle is symbolic of the ups and downs of life that challenges you and leads you to the information you need.

A Holistic Approach

This is one of the mandalas I drew with colored pencils before I found the software I now use. This is symbolic of the body, mind, and spirit approach to healing. The right circle represents your thinking. The upper left circle represents the body. The bottom left circle illustrates your feeling nature.

Cutting Emotional Cords

This mandala is symbolic of healing your emotional connections to food, alcohol, or whatever you are addicted to. Pink represents your feelings and emotions and represents, too, the serenity and inner peace you find when you are having cleared this blank spot.

Change Your Thinking

When you challenge your thinking that leads you to your addiction you are then clear, free, and strong. Your thoughts are represented by yellow. It all represents your ability to find new ways of doing things which gives you joy and hope.

Releasing Feelings from Your Body

This skin colored (my skin) mandala is symbolic of really knowing and feeling our body. You are free and open to dance, sing, scream, touch, shake, bounce and find the joy in release of what feelings might hold you back and move you forward.

Finding Support

We are on this earth to connect to others and to support them and be supported. This white mandala comes with the knowledge that support is around you and is symbolic of new beginnings and renewal.

It’s Your Choice

This mandala is symbolic of a “grow up” moment. I acknowledged that I couldn’t overeat and be healthfully thin. I was responsible for what I put in my mouth. The white represents my being clear I am responsible, and the black is those thoughts I now hold to the light of my responsibility.

Knowing You’ve Healed

This mandala is the gold at the end of the rainbow that is symbolic of the journey of living in your success and have come alive. To live in your success is equally as important as the journey to be successful.

Chapter Three
Mental Focus

Mental Focus

In this mental focus mandala, the box shapes are symbolic of how your mind puts every thought, memory, and experience in a box for easy access. The yellow and pink represent the energy of the mind and heart working together: yellow for intelligence and pink for understanding and caring.


This mandala is symbolic of self-talk. The blue represents self-expression, intelligence, and imagination. The yellow signifies your curiosity and enthusiasm toward learning new ways of doing things through a change in self-talk. The layered circles represent awareness that brings you alive.


This mandala illustrates re-wiring your thought habits. The blue and green represent renewal and rebirth in seeking a higher purpose in your life. The yellow is your mind’s courage to stop limiting thoughts and beliefs until they are rewired and fade. The shapes represent the determination to refuse to go down the path of limiting beliefs.

Your Vocabulary

This mandala is symbolic of the significance of the words you use. The gray signifies the numerous possibilities between black and white. The white is mental clarity, purification, and illumination in the white circles. The black, as a part of gray, represents confidence in your word choice.

Slowing a Racing Mind

This mandala represents a mind full of ideas and feelings. The yellow and pink/purple signifies the multitude of thoughts and feelings and the gray symbolizes calm. The various little nodules are some of those many thoughts going on at once.

“Brain Dump”

This mandala is symbolic of overthinking. The center red circle, with three gold and white circles, represent a deep, passionate desire to know your body, mind, and spirit. The surrounding white points represent the many different directions you might go. The black is the unknown you are exploring.

Chapter Four
Mental Focus
–Your Shadow Side–

Your Whole Self

This is the famous yin and yang symbol that means balance. Here this symbol represents the wholeness of your shadow side with your light side when you
stop fighting your shadow thoughts and feelings.


This mandala is an opening mandala because behind the black darkness of a difficult time is an unfolding lotus. The lotus shapes are pink and yellow representing the exploration into your thoughts and feelings for new awareness.

Radical Acceptance

The purple in this mandala is symbolic of balance between the spiritual world and the physical world. This is what radical acceptance provides. The flowing spiral represents allowing yourself to experience your feelings without judgement.

Changing Focus

This eye in the yellow rim of this mandala is symbolic of your inability to stop thinking about something once you start focusing on it. The only way to let that go is to face whatever has captured your thoughts head on represented here in the white circle. The white signifies cleansing mentally, renewal and enlightenment.

Knowing All of You

This mandala is symbolic of the strength of being aware of your weaknesses. The brown circle represents structure, support, security and trust. Surrounded white illustrating mental clarity, enlightenment and illumination.

Total Healing

This mandala is symbolic of total healing. Total healing comes from the acceptance of every part of your personality including your shadow side that is represented here in the multicolored circles. The green is symbolic of healing, growth, well-being both mentally and physically.

Chapter Five
Physical Well-Being
–Your Body–

Your Body

Your body is so, so much more than your physical vehicle. Your body holds your thoughts and feelings within it. Represented here by the pink and yellow are those thoughts and feelings. The circular shapes in the middle are symbolic of the balance of your body, mind, and spirit.

Being Realistic

This mandala represents begin realistic about your physical well-being. The green is symbolic of good health, the blue is about faith in staying in good health. The yellow is about thinking clearly about where you are physically and if you need to acknowledge some changes.


This mandala is symbolic of letting go of old limiting beliefs. The gold represents the courage to move toward illumination and enlightenment of your spirit. The white represents new beginnings and fresh starts. The layered cones symbolize the letting go and openness toward new learning information.

Talk to Your Body

Talking to your body mandala shares the pink for speaking from your heart, the yellow for communication, and the green to talk about what is needed for health.


This mandala is about our past trauma. The sharp dark spikes are symbolic of the unconscious trauma. The pink represents the loving, feeling part of us that can eventually bring up to awareness and heal the trauma.

Control Your Body

The blank spot that you believe you have no control over your body is represented by yellow because how you think about your body greatly influences your physical well-being. The white symbolizes that pure focus on health supports your body can heal.

Family Genetics

Sometimes we believe our physical well-being can be dictated by our family genetics. The rainbow of colors represents that isn’t always true—there are many variables in place. In fact, epigenetics tells us we can even alter our genetics.

Western Medicine

This mandala is symbolic of the healing energy that comes from including the body-mind-spirit connection when looking for healing. Green equals the body, yellow equals the mind, and pink equals the spirit. The heart is the healing.

Chapter Six
Spiritual Living

My Personal Come Alive Mandala

A symbol of my spiritual and personal life.

Clarify Your Heart

The silver in this mandala is about patience, self-control, dignity, responsibility and courtesy. Add a pink heart in the center and the doors shooting out from the center represents common ground. The pink is also about gentle compassion, understanding, and giving and receiving – a formula for compromise.

Spiritual Warfare

This mandala is symbolic of the fight of good and evil in the world. The black and white colors represent that good and evil. The heart and red colors are symbolic of love vibration which neutralizes the warfare.

Experiential Knowledge Mandala

These two mandalas symbolize the difference between book knowledge and experiential knowledge. The left represents the sometimes emptiness of book knowledge. The right mandala is rich in experience and color and it illustrates how personal experience enriches your life.


The blue and brown eyes of this mandala symbolize the different perspectives of people. The indigo color represents the fundamentally good and generosity of people even though they may see things differently. Love is what brings tolerance.

Free Will

This mandala acknowledges the controversy of free will. The red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple of the rainbow symbolizes that whatever your beliefs you have the energy of your higher source as a resource.

Chapter Seven
Political Awareness

Political Awareness

This mandala illustrates the divide of I’m right, you’re wrong that can come from the difference in political views. The left side with the passionate energy of red is the I’m right outlook. The right side is a balanced thinking and feeling outlook – not wrong — just different. The solution is the concept you may both be right. Oh my!!!

New Perspectives

New perspectives symbolized in this mandala range from the pink of left “bleeding heart” to the yellow “kick ass and take names” perspectives. The orange is a blend of neither one of the perspectives being entirely good or bad because we are all balance of both.

True Power

This mandala represents the vibration of true power – love. While we need our intellect to sort out our challenges, it’s the heart and its red passion that will power us through anything we face.

Church and State

Separation of church and state is represented by this mandala. The red heart symbolizes church and the box-like symbol represents state.

Common Ground

This mandala is symbolic of power and integrity. The turquoise and yellow signify calmness, your ability to open doors to peace through common ground. The flower-like shapes are symbolic of the how we all are empowered and grow when we are true to yourself and others.

Chapter Eight
Relationship Connection Skills
Part I: The Gift of Conflict

The Gift of Conflict Mandalas

These two mandalas symbolize both conflict and conflict resolution. The red one on the left represents the passion and emotions that sometimes comes during a conflict. The blue represents your nature to connect with friends and family even during conflict. The green and blue mandala illustrates growth and renewal.

Your Story

This mandala illustrates the concept of how your past story interferes with movement and growth. The blue and turquoise represents healing your heart by allowing yourself to reframe your past story. The swirling shape is symbolic of challenging the status quo of your past.

Past Baggage and the Real Issues

This mandala signifies the search for the real issue in the fan shape. The star is the issue you look for from your past. The blue/turquoise color represents trust to open the door to spiritual growth, the evolution of your soul, and finding emotional balance. The pink represents your feelings leading you to the real issue and inner peace.

Conflict is Rarely One-Sided Mandala

This mandala shows a blank spot of one-sided thinking when you are in a conflict. There is a dark, black hole of negativity in your thinking, represented by the surrounding yellow. However, within the black hole there is a touch of white. The white offers new beginnings and fresh starts when empowered with the enlightened realization that a conflict is rarely one-sided.

People’s Essential Goodness

This mandala symbolizes the belief that people are essentially good. The red heart represents love and confidence in that belief. The shooting colors illustrates how love flows out of you. The white background is the purity, goodness, and spirituality love represent.

Chapter Nine
Relationship Connection Skills
Part II: The Path Out of Conflict

The Gift of Conflict Mandalas

These two mandalas symbolize both the conflict and resolution. The left one has red that represents passion and anger in a conflict. The blue in both mandalas represents your nature is to connect with others even when you are emotional. The mandala on the right has the green that illustrates growth and renewal.

Conflict Incident

This mandala represents the intensity and passion of your reaction to a conflict incident. You become determined to have your side heard. The swirling sharp shape has small holes just as conflict has holes. To fill them with an intention to learn and grow from a conflict will change this.

Conflict and Emotional Reactions

This mandala represents the emotional reactions you may have when in a conflict. The multicolors are symbolic of the range of emotions that can come up. The distorted circles are how those emotions can be from past baggage.

Emotions During Conflict

Again, the red intensity and passion play out in your reaction to conflict. Your reaction can separate you from true feelings which are represented by the “boxes” your mind organizes your thoughts into. Each box is surrounded by gold which is the hope for conflict resolution through learning how you are truly feeling.

Conflict and Inner-Turmoil Mandala

This mandala symbolizes your desire to sort out your inner turmoil. The purple illustrates consciousness and higher ideals. The green is growth and desire for harmony and compassion. The circles represent your desire for that growth and higher ideals as you cycle through your life.

Decisions with Conflict Mandala

This mandala represents the point in your conflict where you are ready to make a decision. The yellow is clarity in your thinking. The blue is your finding peace with your decision that comes from honesty, quiet strength, and faith. Both permeate the essences of your spirit, symbolized by the multiple circles.

The Conflict is Over Mandala

When you reflect on a continued conflict, the passion and intensity represented by red starts to lessen. The courage and hope for balance of gold starts to bring light to the situation. Blue comes in and honesty, quiet strength, and determination to find the higher purpose in the conflict begins. The circular layered shapes illustrate how these thoughts and feelings permeate your situation.

Chapter Ten
Relationship Connection Skills
Part III: The Meaning of Love and How to Express It

Love Mandala

This mandala is filled with red hearts symbolizing love. The red represents love, sensitivity, and romance and is intense, personal and vibrant. The yellow represents joy, hope, and happiness. The yellow flower in the center signifies the opening of the mind to loving and being loved.

Asking to Be Heard

The mandala here is symbolic of being heard. The flower petal-like shape represents the blooming and opening that comes from how being heard opens your heart. The white and gold represent the powerful warmth, enlightenment and richness from this connection.

When You Aren’t Heard Mandala

This mandala symbolizes when you are being heard. It has a tear in the eye from sadness.

Forgiveness Mandala

This green mandala is symbolic of forgiveness. The green represents healing, renewal and rebirth. Green also represents the act of self-love and the transformation that personal growth brings. The personal healing that comes with forgiveness touches your inner and outer world symbolized by the two circles.


This mandala represents your baggage—your blank spots. Illustrated by amber circles, it is symbolic of resolution and freedom from your spirit’s limitations. White represents mental clarity, new beginnings, and renewal. The gold signifies the courage to seek illumination and enlightenment.


This brown mandala signifies respect. The brown is symbolic of support, honesty and sincerity that is returned with trust and loyalty. The white is purity and mental clarity that supports respect. The circles illustrate that respect is within every level of body, mind and spirit for yourself and others.

Self-Respect Mandala

This mandala represents how love starts with loving and respecting yourself. The red hearts turned inward symbolizes self-respect.

Showing Respect mandala

Showing respect in this mandala is how when we have self-love and self-respect, we can give that fullness to others. The red hearts pointed outward represents showing respect.

Expressing Love Mandala

This mandala is symbolic of the expression of love. The hearts represent love and the multiple colors represent the different types of love. The gold illustrates the warmth, happiness, and affection that comes from loving and being loved.

Chapter Eleven

Manifesting Mandala

This mandala illustrates the pieces of manifesting your every goal. The gold is the color of wealth, power and success. The blue symbolizes inspiration and quiet strength. The circle shapes in this mandala represent the many opportunities you have to manifest your successes.

Your Focus When Manifesting

This mandala zeros in to the foundation of your manifesting the life you desire. You know what you want. That knowledge is symbolized by the gold circle in the center. It’s the seed to success of your goals. The whole universe, illustrated by the gold circle supports us. The blue is inspiration and quiet strength.

Manifesting Isn’t About the “How”

One of the biggest blocks in manifesting is to get lost in the how. This mandala is symbolic of the use of your intuition illustrated by the color blue. The black is symbolic of the unknown. The unknown will become known as you patiently let the answers unfold for you through your intuition.

Manifesting Comes from Challenges Mandala

It’s the challenges that contain the transformational information needed to reach your goals. The challenges are represented by the grey circles. The transformation from the new information that will lead to manifesting is symbolic in the yellow circles.

Manifesting Comes from Feelings Mandala

This mandala is symbolic of the feelings of enthusiasm and excitement that are a big part of manifesting your intentions. The pink represents feelings. The gray represent the unknown that will come clear when the feelings stay persistent.

Chapter Twelve

The Feeling of Coming Alive

Coming alive has a special feeling. Coming alive feels like you have a golden glow around you. Gold is associated with illumination and enlightenment of the soul. Coming alive comes from the deepest part of your heart and is pure in your truth and authenticity.