Book Recommendations

Reading Mandala

Reading Mandala

This mandala is symbolic of reading and engaging your inner detective in research. The box-type shapes illustrates the conscious mind organizing the new information. The yellow represents enlightenment and optimism. The pink-purple color is about understanding and unconditional love of yourself and others as well as about those who seek the enlightenment of the evolving soul.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

A beautiful fictional story of how to find your true purpose and treasure. Inspired me.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

This books gave me a tool that allowed me to take the journey to healing high blood pressure and diabetes. Highly recommend it.

The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

If you want to understand the conscious and unconscious minds, this book did it for me. When I came to understand how significant the unconscious mind is in my day to day life, I became interested in how to use that knowledge to reach every goal I set.

Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone by Brene’ Brown

Brene’ Brown is my favorite author. In this book she explored what it meant to belong. It also helped me understand the current political divisiveness and how to respond to it.

Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

Codependency ruins many relationships. I found it invaluable to understand codependency gives others the message they can’t manage their own life. In Chapter Four is an extensive list of characteristics of codependent people. I check it occasionally to see if there are still any subtle behaviors I might still have. Yes, I was codependent at one time.

Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen

This book was an eye-opener for me, as well as my coaching clients, because it taught me the three dynamics of communication—the event, the identities, and the feelings of those involved. When I took the attitude of curiosity that is recommended by the authors, communications became less difficult.

The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness by Dr. Bradley Nelson and Tony Robbins

This book totally resonates with me. They talk about trapped emotions. I talk about the subconscious messages –blank spots. Their technique to release trapped emotions is so useful and easy.

The Food Codes: Intuitive Eating for Every Body by Lana Nelson

This book is a gem. If you have read or experience healing from an Emotion Code practitioner, you will appreciate this. It even goes beyond what food is best for you.

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

This book gives you insights into the different personalities types which help you understand yourself and others. You can learn how to communicate so much better.

Healing Your Heart: Rewrite Your Story with Awareness and Intention by Tris Thorp

This book is a beautiful, loving guide to healing your past. Tris eloquently guides you to change your life by changing your story. This book is a healing journey that I highly recommend.

Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley

When I was researching the law of attractions and manifesting, I ran across this book. It was the most positive and clearly written book I found. It taught me how we manifest our life based on how we think and feel.

Integrate the Shadow, Master Your Path by Matthew B. James, MA, PhD

When I was trying to understand what to do with my negative thoughts that seemed to circle around and around, I found Dr. Matt James book that explained it to me. Essentially, I learned to see negative thoughts as signals it was time to explore what baggage or lack of understanding was getting in my way.

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Bryon Katie

This book opened up a new approach to exploring what beliefs serve me and what beliefs didn’t serve me. In other words, are my beliefs true? It was life changing because I realized how many of my simple beliefs were getting in my way of moving my success level even further.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall Rosenberg

This books takes you to a whole different level of communication that is effective and inspiring.

The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

This helps you grasp what your daily rhythm is and how to use it to be more productive.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

This book clearly described what it is like to be an introvert and extrovert. I learned how introverts and extroverts see the world and how introverts can be misunderstood by other as well as by themselves.

Radical Acceptance: Embracing Life with the Heart of Buddha by Tara Brach, PhD

In a breakthrough that opened my awareness of my core issues, I felt I had lost who I was. A therapist recommended this book. Dr. Brach teaches you how to feel your feelings without judgement. My heart and mind opened me to the idea feelings were not good or bad.

What’s Your Can by Maribeth Slovasky

This author gives you insight on how to live a great life with a chronic condition.

The Year of Living Biblically – One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally As Possible by A. J. Jacobs

Loved how Mr. Jacobs explored The Bible with a sense of determination and humor. Made me think more deeply about the most popular book in the world.

You are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Dr. Joe Dispenza

This book will blow your mind—well at least change your mind—on everything you know about how you can heal, grow, and even change your genes. Amazing.